This is one of the most frequent emails we receive. Please reference the  frequently asked questions below which hopefully addresses most issues.

Should you have additional questions or concerns, we are of course available via our email address at customerservice@thecomicmint.com.

I placed an order X days ago, why hasn't it shipped yet?

Most items sold on our website are PRE-ORDER items. This means that the item has not released yet when your order is placed. The anticipated release date for each items is almost always found within the item description of each individual product. Please check there for relevant release date information. Also please note it is possible that release date may be pushed back by the publisher.

If the item is in stock at the time of order, the item description should say IN STOCK NOW.

Ok, its the release date, will my order ship that day?

Items do NOT ship on the release date. That is for a few reasons.

1. We receive products in two different ways, directly to us and via secondary distributors. That means for certain products, we require a set number of additional days to receive the product AFTER the official release date. 

The item description for each individual pre-order product lists the release date, and if any additional days are required for us to receive the product.

2. Once received, we begin the process of checking in the product for quantity and quality. It is very important to us that all customers receive a highly collectible copy of the product they ordered. Damages, printer errors, and quantity discrepancies are identified. At this point books are bagged and boarded and prepared for shipping. All these processes take time.

So, how long does an order take to ship after you have received the product?

There are many factors that affect how long it takes an order to go out. We try very hard to ship orders as quickly as possible while maintaining quality. The item description for each product contains anticipated shipping times.

Orders for in stock products ship within 10 business days, with many orders shipping well before that.

We quite often ship orders out well before the amount of time listed.

What happens if I order a graded book and non graded book for the same item as a pre-order?

Our recommendation is to order these items separately. Our system can only assess one shipping charge to each order, and as such our policy is that orders ship when all items are in stock. This can lead to a substantial delay in shipping your order as CGC turn around times, and artist availability for signed or remarked items varies greatly. On occasion we do split orders free of charge at our sole discretion.

Current CGC turnaround times can be found here.

Please note it takes time after we have the product to pull copies for grading and to send to CGC.

I ordered a graded book, or signed graded book, or signed/remarked graded book. How can I tell where in the process it is?

We are working on creating a running list of our projects, showing where in the process each graded book is that all customers can access. We will announce when this information is available.