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Release date 5/10/23
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RETURN TO THE VENOMVERSE! Face front, Venomaniacs - to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the creation of VENOM, the SUMMER OF SYMBIOTES IS UNDERWAY! And it all starts with EXTREME VENOMVERSE, a landmark series that's going to take Mighty Marveldom to corners of the hive never seen before in three titanic tales! FIRST! Comics superstars RYAN NORTH AND PAULO SIQUEIRA put a fresh and exciting spin on a story you may be familiar with…starring Eddie Brock as…SPIDER-MAN?! THEN! Your new favorite comics writer, MIRKA ANDOLFO, shows you a side of the whole Brock family you NEVER thought you'd see! AND FINALLY! One of the best writer/artists in comics today, LEONARDO ROMERO, reimagines Venom as a SAMURAI! But whether all of your new favorite symbiotes will survive this summertime saga remains to be seen…
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